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No Smoking in Common Areas

Hillcrest Building 15


Dear Hillcrest Building 15 Residents and Guests,


Due to Florida Chapter 386, which regulates and prohibits smoking in public places, please be aware that smoking is NOT permitted in the common areas of our building.  This regulation is specifically drafted to prevent secondhand smoke dangers to others.


Therefore, smoking is not permitted in the elevator, along the walk-ways, stairways, sidewalks, or any other outdoor common area.  This includes when walking to and from your car and from or to your unit.


Although this regulation does not prohibit you from smoking within your unit, please be mindful and courteous of your neighbors when smoking on your balcony.


Also, as we all live under the same roof, to prevent the possibility of a fire please be careful with disposal of cigarette butts in your trash to ensure they are completely extinguished and avoid smoking in bed.


Additionally, littering of any kind is strictly prohibited which includes the disposal of cigarette butts on the lawn, landscaping areas, over the railings, parking lot or any other common area.


Smoking in or along common areas, or the disposal of cigarette butts in common areas will result in fines being accessed to the owner.   The Board of Directors have observed discarded butts along our building entrances and walkways.  This is both unsightly and prohibited per rules and regulations with regard to littering.


Please advise your guest of these restrictions as per our condominium rules and regulations, owners are responsible for the conduct of their guests.




Thank you for your cooperation,


The Board of Directors

November 15th, 2016

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