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Effective: September 23, 2016




Q: What are my voting rights in the condominium association?

A: Each homeowner has 1 voting privilege. Any violation of the House/Condo Rules or the Declaration of Condominium, which is signed by the owner at time of purchase, will result in loss of the voting privilege and use of amenities until such owner complies.


Q: What restrictions exist in the condominium documents on my right to use my unit?

A: The House/Condo Rules and the Declaration of Condominium highlights the owners rights. These are listed on the buildings website at


Q: What restrictions exist in the condominium document on the leasing of my unit?

A: No renting or leasing is allowed.


Q: How much are my assessments to the condominium association for my unit type and when are they due?

A: A one bedroom unit is assessed at 1.265 percent and a two bedroom unit is assessed at 1.620 percent. The maintenance dues are due on the first of every month.


Q: Do I have to be a member in any other association? If so, what is the name of the association and what are my voting rights in this association? Also, how much are my assessments?

A: No


Q: Am I required to pay rent or land use fees for recreational or other commonly used facilities? If so, how much am I obligated to pay annually?

A: The recreational or other commonly used facilities are part of the maintenance dues. Meeting rooms can be rented out for personal use by the unit owner. There is a charge and payment must be made to the Presidents’ Council for Buildings 1-18.


Q: Is the condominium association or other mandatory membership association involved in any court cases in which it may face liability in excess of $100,000? If so, identify each such case.

A: Our building and the surrounding Hillcrest community are covered by a multitude of insurance providers.




The statements contained herein are only summary in nature. A prospective purchaser should refer to all references, exhibits hereto, the sales contract, and the condominium documents.

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