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Bulletin Board

New Beach Parking Rates

Go Into Effect May 1st, 2017
Register Now to Get the Resident Rate

To keep beach parking affordable for Hollywood residents, the City is offering a resident parking rate. Residents must register their vehicle(s) annually with the Parking Division to enjoy an hourly parking rate of $1.50 per hour Monday through Thursday and $2.00 per hour Friday through Sunday and on holidays. This rate is 50% less than the new non-resident rate of $3.00 per hour Monday through Thursday and $4.00 per hour Friday through Sunday and on holidays. The new non-resident parking rates will go into effect May 1, 2017.

Once registered, you will be given a “resident rate code” for use at City-operated multi-space master meter parking spots. Registration is free and can be done in-person or online.  


The following documents are required to register:

  • Driver’s license

  • Vehicle registration 

  • One of the following: lease agreement, utility bill, voter ID card or tax bill with current Hollywood address 

To Register online: Upload scanned images or photos of the required documents to the Parking Portal and select “Get Permits.”  

To Register in-person: Bring copies of the required documents to the Parking office located at 2600 Hollywood Boulevard in the City Hall West Annex Building. 

Using the Parkmobile Application

Once you have your resident rate code, you will need to register your vehicle with Parkmobile to receive the resident parking rate. You can sign upfor Parkmobile by visiting or by calling the toll-free number 877.727.5714. You must register with the City of Hollywood in order to receive the resident rate through Parkmobile. 

If you are already a Parkmobile user, you still will need to register your vehicle(s) with the City to automatically receive the City of Hollywood resident rate when you use the Parkmobile App.


Be sure to use the same phone number when you register. 

Additional Information 

  • Please allow up to 24 hours/next business day for resident rate processing and up to 20 days for Parkmobile processing. 

  • At single-space parking meters, the resident rate can only be applied when using the Parkmobile Application.

  • Resident rate code is not valid in private garages, lots or meters

Don’t wait to get your resident rate code!  Log on today or stop by the Parking Office. 

Budget 2017 Newsletter

Dear Condominium Owner


Re: Budget 2017

Based on projects that are planned during 2017, particularly involving the re-furbishing of the elevator cabs, plumbing (drainage pipes), the A/C system, and the cost increases of materials and services, an increase of the maintenance dues will be required.


It should be noted that the dues have not changed for the last 4 years. The current year 2016 resulted in many improvements to our building as you are more than likely aware. Repairs and preparations, painting, signage, a new sprinkler system and landscaping improvements plus new laundry machines are just some of the more obvious projects.  If we can, the parking lot will be repaved before the end of the year, weather permitting.


The maintenance dues for 2017 have been increased by approx. 4.2% to $271/month and $347/month for 1 & 2 bedroom units accordingly. Also note that in the 2017 Budget, the assessments percentages have been adjusted to reflect what we have been basing the dues on for the last 5 years.


The board has been diligent in keeping costs under control searching for ways to reduce costs. These include the change to a new accounting firm in 2015 and a new insurance broker. Maintenance workers are now paid part-time. A new agreement with the cable supplier gave us the benefit of having new cables installed. This improved our internet speeds and the needed quality for HDTV signals.


The board will hold the Budget Meeting on November 15th, 2016 at 7pm at the Hillcrest Club House 2 Meeting Room.


Your attendance is encouraged.

September 30th, 2016

Board of Directors

News Letter

Dear Resident


The Board has been hard at work this year to make our home, Bldg#15, something to be proud of.


The painting is nearing completion. We have installed surveillance cameras for our security and peace of mind. New lighting has been installed to reflect our modern look and will save energy at the same time. We have received numerous comments from other buildings envying our new look and they themselves intend to do likewise.


Over the next few months:


  • The swales will require new sprinklers to replace the damaged ones. These new sprinklers will be recessed into the ground and hopefully will not be susceptible to damage when cars park there illegally.

  • Signage will be up dated to reflect our new look including the unit number by our doors and new Hillcrest Community parking stickers.

  • Our landscaping will also be refreshed.

  • New laundry machines may be installed once everyone agrees through their proxy that was mailed earlier this month.


Of particular importance is that our House/Condo Rules have been updated to be more current and to clarify to every one of us that living here is a privilege and we must all abide by the rules that were agreed upon. Rules we agreed upon when we purchased our home. These rules, besides the general ones, include parking, laundry, waste disposal, contractor obligations and assessment/maintenance fees – all in one package. This information attached is also posted on our website.


Please ensure that you become familiar with the rules. If clarification is needed, any member of the board will be pleased to help out.

March 14th, 2016

Board of Directors

4800 Hillcrest Lane, Hollywood FL 33021

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