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Bulletin Board

Allied Property Group - Update

(July 06, 2022)

The Property Manager assigned to Hillcrest Country Club No. 15 Condominium, Inc. is Martha Jiron. She will be supported by Mariana Carrasco.


Residents may contact the Property Manager Martha at:

(305) 934-7444 and Mariana at:  at

(305) 232-1579.

Please be aware that the Board for Bldg#15 will no longer be the first contact point for issues and concerns that you may have.

Fresh Coat of Paint

(Jan 19, 2022)

Home Improvement ... what's been done in the last couple of weeks by Marc Roy and his crew.

Stairwell Doors 

(Jan 8, 2022)

Dear Residents

Important Notice

For security reasons, please do not place stones in the stairwell door jambs to prevent the door from locking. The doors are supposed to lock for a reason especially to prevent unwanted individuals from entering our building. If you frequently use the stairwell for convenience and want to re-enter the same way then please use your stairwell access key which is also your laundry key. Please help in keeping our building safe for everyone.

Noticia important

Por razones de seguridad, no coloque piedras en las jambas de las puertas de las escaleras para evitar que la puerta se bloquee. Se supone que las puertas deben bloquearse por una razón especial para evitar que personas no deseadas ingresen a nuestro edificio. Si utiliza con frecuencia el hueco de la escalera por comodidad y desea volver a entrar de la misma manera, utilice su llave de acceso al hueco de la escalera, que también es su llave de lavandería. Por favor ayude a mantener nuestro edificio seguro para todos.


Board of Directors

Allied Property Group | Board

(December 13, 2021)

The Property Manager assigned to Hillcrest Country Club No. 15 Condominium, Inc. is Jesus Millares, CAM. He will be supported by Mariana Carrasco, and the many dedicated and caring team members at Allied's Home Office.


Residents may contact the Property Manager Jesus at: and Mariana at: or by phone at 305-232-1579.

Please be aware that the Board for Bldg#15 will no longer be the first contact point for issues and concerns that you may have.

Allied as of December 13th will be responsible to attend to the needs of the building and its residents.

The Board will continue to represent our building in conjunction with Allied regarding financials, budgets, maintenance, projects, insurance, elections, by-laws, and house rules.

Board of Directors

Maintenance Dues & Election Status

(December 8, 2021)


Dear Residents:

Maintenance dues in effect as of January 1, 2022:


One bedroom: $336.00
Two bedrooms: $430.00

Please review the Welcome Letter (in Spanish) from the Allied Property Group, Inc. This welcome letter will outline the process for the monthly payment of our HOA fees.

Regarding Elections to the Board, please be advised that only six (6) candidates submitted their names for the election of Board members for 2022:

1)  Madelyn Rubin (114)

2)  Marc Roy (202)

3)  Alain Dallaire (306)

4)  Nancy Kurosky (308)

5)  Dieter Merk (407)

6)  Rick Lesser (414)

As per our By-Laws, Section 4.4, the new Board of Directors will be effective at the end of the Annual Meeting slated for February 2nd, 2022 at 07:00 pm / Clubhouse #2. It may be held via ZOOM application only, depending on the Covid situation. Appropriate details will be communicated in due time.

Stay safe everyone!


Board of Directors

Hillcrest Tennis & Pickleball Courts

Under Repair

(December 5, 2021)

Dear Hillcrest Residents:

As previously indicated, the Parkview at Hillcrest tennis and pickleball courts will be repaired and repaved. The repair crew arrived today to start the job. This is expected to take from 10 - 15 days, weather
permitting. During this time, none of the courts may be used.

As soon as the job is completed, we will let you know when you can start to use the facilities again.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause and we appreciate your patience.


Amarilis Rodriguez
Property Manager

Allied Property Group, Inc. 

(Dec 1, 2021)


Dear Residents

The contract with Allied had been signed as of yesterday.

There will be a transition process over the next two weeks of our records and contacts to allow Allied to enter the information into their data system.



Allied plans to take on the role of managing our build beginning Monday, Dec 13th.


Let’s help them as much as possible when the time comes.

Board of Directors

Board Elections 2022 

(Dec 1, 2021)

Please be advised that only six (6) candidates submitted their names for the election of Board members for 2022.

Therefore, the election process ends at this point as there were fewer candidates (6) than the number of positions available (7).

As per our By-Laws, Section 4.4, the new Board of Directors will be effective at the end of the Annual Resident Meeting which is slated for February 2nd, 2022 at 07:00 pm / Clubhouse #2.


The meeting may be held via ZOOM only, depending on the Covid situation. Appropriate details will be communicated in due time.

Trash Area Repair Required 

(March 26, 2021)

Dear Residents


Please note that the building will need to replace the trash door system (spring system, tension cables, etc.) and the door. Arrangements have been made to do so and it is expected to take 4-6 weeks to complete the work. In the meantime, the door has been left opened and secured so as to prevent it from closing. 

Board of Directors

Road Improvement & Closures 

(March 10, 2021)


Please be advised that there will be a city-requested road improvement work at the intersection of S37th Ave and Hillcrest Dr. starting Monday 3/22/21. The improvements will require that the intersection be closed for approximately 2 months. The traffic plan details the extent of the closure and the detour routes.

New Board 2021 

(March 2, 2021)

The board assignments have been approved at the most recent Board of Directors Meeting and are available in the menu above.


(January 30, 2021)


Broward County residents can now access the new State of Florida COVID-19 Vaccine Pre-registration System to schedule COVID-19 vaccine appointments for individuals 65+ and frontline health care workers. Eligible individuals can register for vaccine appointments online at or by calling 866-201-6313 (TTY 833-476-1526).

Eligible individuals who register will be contacted when an appointment is available for them.

Covid-19 Health Tips 

(December 2, 2020)

The Provincial Health Officer for British Columbia, Dr. Bonnie Henry is also an associate professor at the University of British Columbia. She has a background in epidemiology and is a specialist in public health and preventive medicine.

Her tips of managing our life during the pandemic are food for thought. I felt it's worth sharing with you.


 Click on the link.

Maintenance Dues 2021 

(November 25, 2020)

Our Budget Meeting was held last evening, at which time the Board adopted the proposed 2021 Budget and Reserves.

As mentioned in my previous message, the maintenance dues effective Jan 1st, 2021 will be as follow:

$311/month for 1 bedroom units
$398/month for 2 bedroom units

There is no assessment planned for 2021 to complete our elevator project. The accumulated funds in 2021, should cover the remaining cost to finish this undertaking.


The board strives to keep costs under control searching for ways to reduce costs while at the same time making our building a place to be proud of.


Stay safe !!

Alain Dallaire

Fitness Centre Open 

(Oct 17, 2020)

Dear Residents

"The Gym next to pool #3 will open Monday, October 19th.  THE GYM IS OPEN … POOL #3 IS NOT.  


There is a small bathroom in the gym but the large bathrooms for the pool are still under construction therefore Pool #3 must remain closed.  We also have to repair and seal several pavers around the pool and BBQ area. We expect the completion of that project in the second week of November.  Meanwhile, the gym will reopen Monday.  The gym will be completely cleaned and sanitized once a week however hand sanitizers and sanitizing wipes are provided for gym use and exercise equipment.  For those concerned about safety and security the cameras at the gym and pool #3 are up and running.

Hillcrest Presidents Council

EOI Direct Information 🔑

(Oct 16, 2020)

Dear Residents

For those needing proof of insurance for our building when requested by your mortgage company or others, go to our Insurance Information page for the details.

Also note that our Flood insurance for 2020/21 has also been renewed effective Oct 3rd, 2020.

Please note that a login is required to access the statement.

Laundry Rooms

(Sept 22, 2020)

Dear Residents,


This is a friendly reminder that it is everyone's responsibility to keep our common areas and especially our laundry rooms clean. This is even more important given the current virus environment. It is a collective duty and responsibility.


While I know the vast majority of our residents care about others, unfortunately, some obviously don't. A specific incident in a laundry room was brought to our attention by one of our residents. It can only be described as despicable and highly unacceptable. After you use the laundry room, please ensure you thoroughly clean up your working space including the lint trap in the dryer. This is basic courtesy and common sense. 


I appeal to everyone to be considerate of other residents and ensure our laundry rooms are kept clean.


Thank you and stay safe !!

Alain Dallaire

Hillcrest Pools 

(Sept 6, 2020)

"Pools #1 #2 and #4 are open for regular hours.  Required restrictions are now SOCIAL DISTANCING of 6 FEET or more, NO RESTROOMS, NO WATER FOUNTAINS, BRING YOU OWN CHAIR.  No restrictions on age limits however all children must be supervised by parents. Sneeze into your elbow, use common sense and respect your neighbors.  We will let you know when we are able to use our existing pool furniture.  Until then please leave them aside wrapped-up in the corner of the pool property."

Hillcrest Presidents Council

Notary Services 

(Aug 28, 2020)

If you need a Notary, contact Nancy Kurosky (308). Details are on our webs Contractors page.

Pest Management 

(July 28, 2020)

Dear Residents


All during the year, we are challenged by pesky invaders. The tiny ones and not so tiny.


The pest management service offered by Rusty’s Exterminators is there to deal with these critters. Rusty’s service does a general treatment every month and performs a cursory check for signs of any evidence of those more challenging bugs. Rusty’s Exterminators inspect for termites during all visits and informs the unit owner if there are issues.


Our general service contract with Rusty covers palmettos, spiders, ants and mice.


What’s not covered under the contract for our building is ticks, fleas, bed bugs and termites. If you see any of these pests it’s up to you to arrange with Rusty a separate treatment service. 


In my discussions with Rusty, as much as Rusty’s Exterminators try to determine other potential issues during the monthly service, it’s up to you to inform him of so of any concerns you may have. Ideally during his visit when he can address it quickly. Otherwise, email him at Russ Woolley <> or by phone at 954-380-2467.


Estimados residentes


Durante todo el año somos desafiados por molestos invasores. Los pequeños y no tan pequeños.


El servicio de manejo de plagas ofrecido por Exterminators de Rusty está ahí para tratar con estos bichos. El servicio de Rusty realiza un tratamiento general todos los meses y realiza una revisión rápida para detectar signos de cualquier evidencia de esos errores más desafiantes. Los exterminadores de Rusty inspeccionan las termitas durante todas las visitas e informan al propietario de la unidad si hay problemas.


Nuestro contrato de servicios generales con Rusty cubre palmettos, arañas, hormigas y ratones.


Lo que no está cubierto por el contrato de nuestro edificio son garrapatas, pulgas, chinches y termitas. Si ve alguna de estas plagas, depende de usted coordinar con Rusty un servicio de tratamiento por separado.


En mis conversaciones con Rusty, por mucho que los Exterminiadores de Rusty intenten determinar otros problemas potenciales durante el servicio mensual, depende de usted informarle sobre cualquier inquietud que pueda tener. Idealmente durante su visita cuando puede abordarlo rápidamente. De lo contrario, envíele un correo electrónico a Russ Woolley <> o por teléfono 954-380-2467.


Stay safe | Mantenerse a salvo

Dieter Merk

Covid-19 at Hillcrest

(July 16, 2020)


The Board has just been made aware that a couple in our building have tested positive for Covid-19. They are in self-quarantine during this time. They have mild symptoms and are doing well. 


This is a stark reminder that this virus is very much present and despite our best efforts sometimes, we can still be contaminated. 


Everyone needs to adhere to the prevention measures as per the CDC:


1) Avoid close contact - Keep at least 6 feet between you and others (not part of your household)

2) Wash your hands often

3) Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others

4) Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces

5) Be alert for symptoms - Watch for fever, cough, shortness of breath, other symptoms associated to the virus


Please apply these measures at all times in the public general areas of our building.

Stay safe!

Alain Dallaire


HPC Pools Closed 

(June 6, 2020)

Notice: HCPC Pool Closure

Effective 8 AM, tomorrow, June 6, 2020 all HPC pools will be secured until the City of Hollywood places its jurisdiction into Phase II.  


We have done our best over the time since the re-opening of the pools in Phase I to abide by the county regulations and restrictions.  The simple fact is we can’t enforce those rules.  


Residents are not getting the word. Children at the pools are a commonplace, patio furniture that were secured and placed in the corner of pool properties have been ripped opened used and scattered about the pool decks, someone or some persons are taking down the notices from the executive board explaining those rules and restrictions at the pools and buildings, neighbors are arguing with neighbors, the police department have been called and have not responded due to resources needed elsewhere or when they have responded have done nothing.  


Once we are in phase II, children should be able to use the pools and patio furniture should be able to be used.


Board of Directors

Hillcrest Presidents Council


June 6th, 2020

Compliance Committee / Pulte Update 

(May 15,  2020)

  • The stakes behind the high rises indicate there will be an irrigation pond to be built but the stakes currently are laid out incorrectly. 

  • The large object in the water behind buildings 26 & 27 will be removed in the next month.  

  • In Mid May the electrician will look at the Washington entrance lights that are still not working. 

  • All the sod and trimming of bushes in “Central Park” has now been completed. 

  • The playground to the east of the large Clubhouse has begun to be built.

  • Benches, garbage cans and the fixing of walkways still do not have a scheduled date. 

  • Drywall is now being installed in the small clubhouse and no date has been given for completion.


Daniel Lemus (Pulte Group)

Elevator Renovations 

(May 14,  2020)

Dear Residents,

Over the next few days, Vasile Elevators will be installing stainless steel cladding on all hatch doors on all five floors of our building.

During this project, one elevator bank will be shut down at a time to facilitate the work.

Thank you for your patience

Board of Directors

Pools Status 

(May 11,  2020)

Dear Residents,


We have been advised by the Hillcrest President Council (HPC) of the following.


The City of Hollywood has decided to allow pools at condos and communities like Hillcrest to re-open again with the following stipulation; we need to abide by Broward County’s restrictions regarding pools which clearly states NO POOL FURNITURE unless there is an attendant to clean and disinfect after each use. 


The decision by the city to follow Broward County’s guidance was determined earlier this week, in a close vote and as the Mayor and Commissioners Office explained, this may be subject to change soon … but for now, these are the requirements to open the pools back up. 


Although we are at the stage now of re-opening, Covid-19 is still prevalent and the need to be cautious is everyone’s responsibility. We must continue practicing common-sense precautions, safety, and cleaning. Residents need to understand that the cleaning of surfaces and handles in our pool areas are limited and only serviced three times a week. We do not have attendants at any pools during all operating hours to clean with disinfectants after every use. Our only solution, for the time being, is to restrict usage and ask users to use precautions when touching surfaces like door handles and pool rails. 


The first stage of opening our pools will be to limit use to the pools and washrooms only. Lounges and chairs will be cordoned off in a corner of the pool decks and will be off-limits. Only residents and owners may use the pool and the pool deck, no visitors or guests and no one under the age of 18 are allowed. 


Pools 1,2 and 4 will be re-opened Friday, May 8th. Pool 3 washrooms are currently under renovations and as a result Pool 3 and the Fitness Centre will have to remain closed. 


Residents are required to stay home if sick, practice social distancing, avoid touching surfaces, and wash hands with soap and water frequently. The residents that use our pools will need to take full responsibility for their safety and health. 


As long as everyone respects the rules and conditions outlined we should be okay. If it’s abused, the pools will be closed again. As mentioned earlier, the chairs and lounges will be cordoned off for a reason. If residents ignore that request and pull chairs to sit on, this violates the conditions imposed and the pools will be closed again.


Stay safe.

Board of Directors

Elevator Status Report 🔑

(April 18, 2020)

An update regarding Bldg#15's elevator re-furbishing has been posted for access to our residents.

Pest Management

(April 10, 2020)

The pest management for April will be canceled as a precaution to minimize the spread of Covid-19.

Covid-19 Emergency Order Hollywood

(April 8, 2020)

Dear Residents

The City of Hollywood has issued another Emergency Order effective April 9th, 2020 related to the requirement of wearing a facial cloth covering over noses and mouths. 


"All persons outside their homes and within a public place such as a grocery store, hardware store, pharmacy, restaurant, or other deemed essential business, are mandated to wear a cloth facial covering consistent with the current CDC guidelines. All individuals providing delivery services shall wear a form of covering over their noses and mouths while making deliveries."

Stay safe!

Alain Dallaire

Covid-19 Emergency Order Hollywood

(April 2, 2020)

Dear Residents,


For most of us, this unprecedented virus pandemic will likely be the greatest collective challenge of our life. We will succeed but it will take time and resilience. Most of all, we need to strictly obey the governments' restrictions on movements if we want to shorten the length of this crisis. 


Unfortunately, the number of confirmed cases of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has increased exponentially in South Florida and in the country. 


In regards to our community, we have increased the sanitation of common areas, elevators, doors and laundry rooms. 


The critical elements in our collective fight against the virus remain social distancing and the frequent washing of hands for at least 20 seconds. Please listen to the governments' advice, do not go out unless absolutely necessary (medical or grocery).  


You will find below, some links which may be of help.

Covid-19 Global

World Meter

Center of Disease Control & Prevention

Florida Health

Broward Order 20-03

Stay Safe

Alain Dallaire

Covid-19 Emergency Order Hollywood

(Mar 27, 2020)

Dear Residents,


Please note that a new resolution ordered has been released by the mayor of Hollywood today to stay at home.


Effective Date: This Emergency Order is effective as of 12:01 a.m. on March 28, 2020 and shall remain in full force and effect until terminated.

Covid-19 in Hillcrest

(Mar 24, 2020)

Dear Residents,


Unfortunately, there is a positive case of Covid-19 in Hillcrest area. Building 22 has reported one resident who has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus.  The president of Hillcrest Building 22 has taken action and is complying with CDC protocols.  Because of privacy issues, the resident in question will not be identified. He is a 30 year-old male and it is unsure at this point how he contracted the virus.  He has been quarantined for over a week.  


This is a strong reminder that this virus is progressing and you must protect yourself with all the necessary means. Among others, it is critical to practice social distancing including with your family members who are not living with you and wash your hands frequently. Do not leave your residence unless absolutely necessary such as for groceries or medical needs at the pharmacy. 

Take care of yourself.

Alain Dallaire

Announcement From the Hillcrest Presidents Council

(Mar 21, 2020)

To HPC Presidents.


I want to personally thank you all for supporting the decision to close the pools and clubhouses. It wasn’t an easy one to make because most people who travel to Florida and have summer places elsewhere as well as the full-time residence enjoy this one amenity the council provides more than any other.  For more than one reason we have to do our part in isolating this virus reducing its lifespan so that all of us can get back to our normal lives. 


As far as our pool closings are concerned we will evaluate again on March 29th, that hasn’t changed. Basically if the city of Hollywood continues to keep their pools closed so shall we. If and when they open up we will likewise do the same.


It’s Saturday, 21 March and and until today today the government really could not say conclusively how the COVID 19 viruses is transferred. There are three possible forms of transference and all three are now possible. If you have kept up with all of this then you already know that the first way is direct contact ... self-explanatory. The second way is through droplets which can be as simple as breathing on someone or sweating or sneezing and coughing within 6 feet. And the third way is airborne.  So today we hit the unfortunate trifecta.  


Here is the latest.  Say a person sneezes or coughs     The virus stays airborne for 30 minutes to 3 hours and depending on what the droplets land on it continues to be contagious. It stays on soft surfaces like cardboard and clothing for about 24 hours, stainless steel for up to 2 days and plastics for up to 3 days. The virus continues to be communicable but died off as time passes in each scenario.  


The take away is clean clean clean.  Let’s say you live alone and you’re not leaving your condo or when you go out you and stay away from people up to 6 feet and you’ve had no contact with anyone else. You should be fine. 


On the other hand if you live with someone and you or that person come into contact with someone who is a carrier (not necessarily someone infected) one of you have a 35% chance of contracting the virus depending  on your age and health. So says the surgeon general.


If you are cleaning hard surfaces ... microwaves, steering wheels, remote controls, etc., the most common mistake is to rubbing in each direction. You should only be wiping in one direction. Multiple directions actually just push and pull the micro sludge around.


The bottom line is we can’t pay enough people to clean the chairs and chases or bathrooms as they follow behind each person using a pool.  The decisions that the executive board makes are in your best interest.  Help us be a part of the solution and pass this and the previous information to your residence. 


Be well and stay safe.


Dan Kisich, Chair HPC

Regarding our Pools, Fitness Centre and Clubhouses

Due to the Covid 19 concerns, we are now in the process of locking access to our fitness centre, washrooms and clubhouses to help mitigate its spread. Although the pools will remain open for now it’s important to note that users of the pool areas be aware that the cleaning crew tries its best to clean all surfaces,  but this only happens 3 times a week.


Please advise your residents of Hillcrest Presidents Council’s efforts to allow the pools to remain open but residents need to take part of the responsibility regarding their protection. Cleaning surfaces, doors and handles prior to and after use when using the pool table & chairs & lounges is highly recommended.


Closing the pools outright at this time may be overkill although if the City of Hollywood demands us to do so or strongly advises us to, we will comply.


The pools themselves help in the cleansing process due to the level of chlorine but unfortunately an infected person can still possibly spread the virus thru touch. Practice social distancing wherever possible.


If residents are concerned then it is advisable that they do not use the pool.


When the Covid 19 spread ceases all will be back to normal

These are different times …

Dieter Merk
Past-President & Vice-Chair HPC


Results of Amendments to Condo Docs 

(Mar 7, 2020)

Dear residents,

I would like to share with you the official results of the votes. We had a huge response from our residents (60/64) which is very positive despite the end result.  An overwhelming majority of our residents supported the changes. But at the end, given the current legal framework, it was not enough.

Total votes: 60  (93.75%)
Yes votes: 39 (60.9%)
No votes: 21 (32.8%)

We needed 48 yes votes (75% of 64 units) to have the Declaration of Condominium changed.

We required 40 yes votes (66.6% of 60 votes) to have the By-laws changed. 

It is unclear at this time what will be the next step. In my humble opinion and according to our attorney, there is still a significant legal need to have our documents updated, as highlighted by her at the meeting. The status quo is simply not an option. We must amend these documents as they are outdated. Failure to do so could have very negative consequences for our Association. 

Therefore, we need to come to a consensus as a community on how we can amend the documents in order to have them legally sound and at the same time, meet a threshold where everyone will be comfortable. We heard from many of you at the meeting. Those that felt the need to still vote “no” on the proxy, even after hearing the attorney’s clarifications, we ask your support to highlight your concerns in writing. We will try to ensure these concerns are addressed as part of the re-write of the amendments.

However, everyone must realize that such a process is complex and has been extremely time consuming for Board members thus far. We are volunteers. A tremendous amount of work has been spent on this project in the last year and countless hours in recent weeks. This cannot go on forever. Difficult choices may need to be made. Further discussions on the way forward will be undertaken at the next Board meeting which should occur at the end of the month. 


Alain Dallaire
Hillcrest Condominium 15

Amendments 🔑

(Feb 15, 2020)

The amendments to our condo docs are available on-line for reference. Please note that a login is required to access the information

Amendments of Our Condominium Docs

(Jan 24th, 2020)

Dear Residents


As presented in our Board Meeting on Jan 16th, the three condominium documents that our building, the residents and board operate under are being reviewed and amended.


Our docs are now over 28 years old. They need to be amended to reflect all the changes made within Statute 718.


Statute 718 has had numerous amendments over the years, the language had been changed and now includes communication advancements.


Our docs were written before the internet, websites and emails. Although our docs have the Kaufman clause written within, such that any changes to Statute 718 automatically would be enforced in our docs as well, these changes had inadvertently caused our docs to become unmanageable and confusing without including all the Statute 718 amendments.

The amendments to our docs are intended to update all the changes made within Statute 718 which continues to protect our residents and board as it should.

In the following link, I have included all the changes

made to our Declaration of Condominium and By-Laws. The third document, the Articles of Incorporation will not change.

Please review these amended changes and accompanying synopsis. A post mailing including the voting/proxy will be submitted prior to the meeting planned for mid March.

It's very important that all residents vote to have these amendments approved.

Board of Directors

Annual Meeting

(Jan 22nd, 2020)

The Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 12th, 2020.



  1. Board Attendance

  2. Adoption of Previous Minutes

  3. Financials – 2019 Year End

  4. Amendments to Condominium Docs

  5. Projects & Maintenance Review

    • Elevators

    • Irrigation System

    • Landscaping

    • Lobby Entrances 

  6. Other

    • Hillcrest Compliance Committee Update

All Building #15 Residents are Welcomed! 

Locker Room Cleanup

(Jan 9th, 2020)

Dear Residents


A couple of years ago we did an extensive cleaning of our locker rooms. All those forgotten, maybe I’ll use it, or just for a few days I’ll store it here items have re-created clutter which will not allow us to pass the next fire inspection.


Within the next 30 days, please check your locker room area and see if there are items belonging to you that are not in your locker or above it. They have to be removed. Otherwise, the unclaimed items will be removed by the board and discarded accordingly with no further notice.

Important Announcement


Sealing and Re-Striping of Parking Lot

November 7th & 8th 2019.


Dear Resident


All cars need to be moved to allow The Paving Lady crew to apply a sealcoat and to re-stripe our parking lot.


Please park your car on the swales of Hillcrest Lane during this time period. In this case, on the night of Wednesday Nov. 6th.  Place this notice on your cars dash to avoid ticketing.


Unfortunately, any cars still parked in our parking lot on Nov 7th will be towed at owners’ expense.


The sealcoat and re-striping process will take approx. 36 hours, weather permitting. Note that by Friday Nov. 8th after 5pm, cars may be returned.  This will allow the sealcoat and line striping to adequately cure before intended traffic use.


During this period there will be no mail delivery on Thursday Nov. 7th and the Friday garbage pickup will be delayed to Saturday.  Please refrain from throwing into the garbage bins any large waste items especially construction waste to prevent overfilling.


Also, please advise any of your visitors, contractors or guests of the days parking restrictions and limitations.



Thank you for your cooperation

Board of Directors

(Posted - Oct 31, 2019)

Parkview at Hillcrest

(August 30, 2019)

Pulte Land Development Update

  • The park completion is ongoing.  We will be seeding the western and eastern portions of the park next week.  The central portion of the park will be seeded in mid-September.  Please make sure that all foot traffic is kept to paths and not on the grass.  Park benches and trash cans are being ordered and should be installed by the end of September.  Damage to the asphalt paths will also be repaired by mid-September. 

  • The fence completion is being done in two phases.  The first phase is completing the inserts along the Pembroke Rd. wall.  The inserts are being manufactured right now.  I will give an update for the estimated installation date next week.  The second phase is completing the fence along the northern border of the park, along with the pedestrian gates at the Phase 2 entry.  The Hillcrest condo buildings without fencing in front of them need to give feedback about the location, and then we can finalize the plan and have the materials ordered.  We anticipate having this in process by mid-September.  If you’d like to see the projected path of the fence, feel free to walk the eastern portion of the park and look for the stakes with green ribbons on them.

  • The gates along SW 52nd Avenue are close to being operational.  We have power to them and need to get AT&T set up, which is in process.  We anticipate having AT&T activated by the second week of September and being able to use these gates by the end of September.

Hurricane Dorian

(August 29, 2019)

Dear Residents


Hurricane Dorian may visit our area in the coming week. It’s wise to prepare now. I have added a few links below to help you in dealing with all the possible scenarios.


Of most importance, please help those around you that may need assistance. Check with them before and after to make sure that they are okay.


Although our community will do its utmost to minimize damage and flying debris, we need to do the same. If you see anything that needs to be addressed before Dorian arrives, please help us in dealing with it. If it’s a building issue, either inform someone on the board or help the board by taking the necessary action to take care of it. Remember this is your home and the board (volunteers themselves) can only do so much.


The pools and clubhouses will be addressed by the Presidents' Council.


Crossing our fingers …

Board of Directors

Hurricane and Emergencies

Plan Ahead for Disasters- Hurricanes and Other Disasters


Florida Division of Emergency Management

Red Cross Emergency App

Additional info see Links in menu above

Developer Update - Pulte

(August 20, 2019)

See below for summary of our last approval in May and the application that is scheduled for City Commission next week. 


Replat Application

  1. Earlier this year in May, we received approval for Plat Resolution 2019-109. 

  2. This resolution replatted 38 lots in order to replace one specific townhome that was not selling with another townhome that was better received by prospective homebuyers. 

  3. In addition, certain areas of the site plan were reconfigured in order to keep an FPL underground line in its existing location. The original plan showed a townhome building where the FPL easement was located and the process to move the line proved to be too time consuming and expensive to relocate. I’ve attached a site plan which highlights the replatted areas. 

  4. Finally this resolution also revised certain conditions of approval for the offsite improvements. 

    1. Originally a roundabout was approved for the intersection of South 52nd Avenue and Washington Street. This condition was revised to require turn lanes in all directions. 

    2. Additional improvements to South 42nd Avenue were also added. 

    3. All of the conditions were revised to be completed by the 516th CO. A traffic study submitted justified this timing. 


Latest Application that you received a notice for – scheduled for Wednesday August 28th.


  1. This application proposes to revise the site plan to match the replatted lots approved with Resolution 2019-109. The site plan will now be consistent with the plat. 

  2. Finally, the site plan will be revised in order to memorialize a land swap transaction between Pulte and the adjacent Charter School. 

    1. The land swap was completed in order to relocate the schools original playground from its original location south of building #16 to a location just west of the school. Pulte gave additional land behind the school to accommodate this playground. 

    2. Additional property was given to the school to either improve circulation or to ‘square off’ the property across the street from the school which is owned by the Tobin’s – the owner of the charter school. 


I’ve attached two graphics which summarize all revisions. 

Let me know if you have additional questions. 

Thank you.


Ken DeLaTorre

Design and Entitlement Consultants, LLC. 

1402 Royal Palm Beach Blvd., Suite 102

Royal Palm Beach, Fl. 33411



Notice of Public Hearing

Plat Resolution

Site Plan - Related Lots & Areas

Fraud Alert - Warning

(August 20, 2019)


You may have received an email related to some emergency to coerce you in sending monies by electronic/online transfer to a sender that you may know. 


In my case my email was used to request some one on the board to send money thru an illegitimate account. Luckily this was avoided.


*Wire Fraud is Real*.  Before wiring any money, call the intended recipient at a number you know is valid to confirm the instructions. 


Sometimes simply viewing the email address will confirm that it’s not legit.

Dieter Merk

Insurance Policies for Bldg#15 🔑

(August 20, 2019)

Our building's insurance policies for 2019-20 have been posted. Please note a login will be required.

Mosquito Management

(June 7, 2019)

A press release and public notification indicates that on June 11 to June 12th, 2019  between 10:00PM and 6:00 AM, Broward County Mosquito Control Dept. trucks will be spraying for elimination of mosquitos and mosquito larvae most areas of the City of Hollywood along with portions of certain other cities in Broward.

The press release shows the areas to be sprayed and the schedule. Individuals can also contact Broward County Mosquito Control and access the County website for more information.

Isik Unlu, PhD

Mosquito Control Manager

Broward County Mosquito Control

1201 W Airport Road

Pembroke Pines, FL 33023

4800 Hillcrest Lane, Hollywood FL 33021

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