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Bulletin Board - Archives

Parkview at Hillcrest  (2016-12-29)

Pulte will be closing a portion of Hillcrest Drive between the charter school and HC building 21 between January 2nd and 7th in order to complete our utility connections.


The attached letter is our official notice which will be sent out to the buildings within 500’ of the work per the city’s direction (numbers 16, 20, 21, and 22), but I also wanted to extend the courtesy of letting all of Hillcrest know.


Can you please send out the attached letter and MOT plan to the president’s council to be distributed to the residents?  We are taking all the necessary steps to divert traffic, but I want to make sure everyone in our Hillcrest family is given the courtesy of an advanced warning.

Parkview at Hillcrest  (2016-12-29)

Model homes and floor plans 

Toilet Rebate Program   (2016-11-29)


The City of Hollywood offers toilet rebates for Single-Family, Multi-Family and Commercial Properties. Getting Your Rebate Is as Easy as 1-2-3!

Email Mistakes to Avoid  (2016-11-28)

A tip we should all read if we are an avid emailer. From

Flooding of Condo Unit (2016-11-20)

On Nov. 15th, a hose connected to the A/C cooling water for the third floor condo's Air Conditioning system slipped off due to improper installation. A tape was used to minimize possible leaks which did the exact opposite. 

The water pressure pouring out of the line at 40 psi flooded the entire unit to about 2 inches and then continued to flood down to the second and first floor units as well. The company ServPro came with three trucks to vacuum all the water up, set up fans and dehumidifiers. As much water was remove as possible. The effected units were recommended to purchase a domestic dehumidifier to continue the removal of water for the next few months to prevent any mould.

The lesson learned ... use reputable contractors and ensure your unit has content and flood insurance!

No Smoking Policy  (2016-11-20)

The No-Smoking Policy has been added to the welcome menu of our website. Once signs are posted throughout the building, no smoking will be enforced.

A smoker often is unaware, but secondhand smoke seeps everywhere ... on catwalks, elevators and our condo units. It sneaks thru ventilation systems. Smoking on your balcony means smoke on every other balcony. It's an invasion of people's air space None smokers prefer to breath fresh air rather than someone else's cigarette.

Maintenance Fees 2017  (2016-11-20)

Maintenance Fees are due on the first of each month. Checks are made payable to:

Hillcrest Condominium #15., Inc

Send checks to:

Hillcrest Country Club No. 15 Condominium, Inc

℅ Hacker & Romano, CPA

3300 N. 29 Avenue, Ste. 102

Hollywood, FL 33020

Parkview at Hillcrest  (2016-10-13

Developer releases a website that highlights the homes that will be built on the former golf course. Building models and floor plans including home features are displayed. Visit Pulte Homes to see for your self.

Flood Zone Determination (2016-10-12)

was added to our Insurance Information section of our website.

Login required.

Flood Insurance Confirmation

If you require for your mortgage company confirmation of our flood insurance policy, please LogIn to our site and go to Insurance Information and click on Flood Insurance Confirmation.


Code Red  (2016-10-04)

Official CodeRed | Hollywood, FL Website and

Hurricane Evacuation Map

Florida Power & Light  (2016-10-04)

Storm Center - news, tips and information.

Candidate for City Commission District (2016-09-26)

Please note that there will be meeting on October 6, 2016 held by the Greater Hollywood Junior Chamber of Commerce (JAYCEES)

2930 Hollywood Blvd. Click for details.

FAQ Sheet added for newcomers


A frequently asked question sheet has been added to the websiteas recommended by Florida Condominium Association Advisors.

Fire Alarm System Inspection


Please note that our buildings fire alarm system will be inspected this friday, Septemebr 23. Pleas click on "Notice" for more information.

New Laundry Machines 


Out with the old and in with the new. We now own our own laundry machines! Not only that, the laundry rooms have been improved to greet the new machines.

Prices have gone down and the monies collected will be used towards water and electricity, laundry renos, appliance repairs and, if needed, replacements. Treat the machines with loving care and they will in turn treat us the same.

A/C Pump Replacement 

Bradley Pump will be installing the new A/C pump for our building on Thursday Sept. 22 and Friday Sept. 23. Air conditioners will be out of service for 2 days during this period. ​


Water Treatment Plant Notice Regarding Flushing (2016-08-09)

Building Painting Incident


On February 5th we woke up with a big surprise. White paint specks everywhere. On our trees and grass, on the parking lot and unfortunately on our cars. 


A strong wind overnight, blew white paint specks from the temporary plastic coverings covering our railings that were in the process of being painted. The specks landed and scattered through out our propery.


The contracted painters, along with Javier, immediately tried to minimize the damage by pressure washing and scrubbing the flecks from our cars to prevent the paint specks from being baked permanently on the car's finish. The process took all day. 


The contractor apologies for any inconvience and are trying their best to cleanup and correct the damage caused.

DMerk (407)

Pardon our dust ...


Dear Building 15 Residents:

As you are I am sure aware, we have had a lot of maintenance projects going on. We have concrete work, painting, as well as a new cleaning lady named "Tracy". Until the concrete work is finished it will remain a little dusty even though they cleanup everyday when they are done. The building needs some TLC and some updating. Most of the "dirty and dusty" work should be done by August.


Thank you for all being patient and I am certain that our residents will enjoy the outcome.

Louis Migacz

New Accountant


Beginning on September 1st, 2015, our building is switching accountants. All regular Maintenance Fees, Special Assessments and correspondence should be sent to:


Hillcrest Country Club No. 15 Condominium, Inc

c/o Hacker & Ramano, CPA

3300 N. 29 Avenue, Ste. 102

Hollywood, FL 33020


Cheques are made payable to "Hillcrest Country Club No 15 Condominium, Inc." and not payable to Hacker & Ramano.


The monthly maintenace fees are considered late if not received by the 10th of each month and a $50.00 late fee will be added to your account.


If there are any questions, please contact Irina at (954) 922-2207.


(as per letter received from the accountants on Augst 4th, 2015, see pdf attached)

Please note:


Any postdated checks in the possession of Sidney Schuchman’s office will be forwarded to Mr. Romano


A request has been made to allow us to write cheques with payable to: "Hillcrest CC, #15" for ease of writing post dated cheques for the entire year. The current payable requested by the accountant just may not fit on the line item.

Hillcrest Building 15 Board



Comcast will be rewiring the entire building at no charge, which should help speed up internet service and give us a much better resolution especially if you have High Definition TV's.


Comcast will have monitored access to units including Snowbirds to ensure all units are updated.


Date of completion expected during the July-August period.

Louis Migacz

Save at the Home Depot ...


The building has a pro contractor account with Home Depot. All owners can use this account and benefit.


Account # 954-699-7073

20% off all paint products plus a point system.

Peter Stein

AC Pump


That mysterious red light on top of the pump infront of our building indicates that the AC Pump is operating. That pump supplies the cooling water for our air conditioning system in our individual condo units.


When that red light is not on, it means the pump is not operating and thus our AC in our units will not operate properly. In such cases it is recommended that when the red light is back on, you turn your condo AC off and then on again to reset the unit. Some of the newer AC units may do this automatically but the older ones may not.


One concern is that the snowbirds may have a mildew issue as a result when they return to Florida. In this case it would be advisable that Snowbirds arrange to have someone check their condo unit monthly to ensure everything is operating as intended.


Steve Ogle had requested earlier this week that the board post this concern on our bulletin board and website.

Dieter Merk

Website ...


Thanks for all the positive feedback. As of this day, we have 28 Condo Units linked to the login of our website. That's nearly 44% of our home owners. I know we can do better.


The login section offers so much more.


Although some homeowners may not have internet access, talk with your neighbors that do, and if they haven't login and signed up on our website, encourage them to so and help them if they need it. The more users, the better becomes.

Dieter Merk

Website Information:


  • Use the menu Log In to set up your own password. Once approved you will receive confirmation and have access to the Residence Section.

  • Some views may look odd but they were intentionally created so that one can view this site on smart devices, ie Phone, iPads etc.

  • If you have any content you would like to add, ideas for the website or building, recommendations or concerns, just send me a note using the "Comment" section of the website.

  • Although this site is currently under development, it has already become a very usable source of information. In time as more content is added you may want to visit it on a regular basis, if not daily.

  • Some views when clicked on expand, such as the pictures displayed throughout.

  • Some information when clicked on will convert to a PDF file that can be printed out for posting on your personal bulletin board for easier access. I intend to keep the information as up to date as possible. Instead of asking the Board Members for information, pleases check the website first. This will leave the Board Members free to act on Condo issues and free them up for their own personal time.

4800 Hillcrest Lane, Hollywood FL 33021

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