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Bulletin Board

Entries to be added form Welcome Page











Elder Support

(Jan 9th, 2025)

The Area Agency on Aging of Broward County

(AAABC) is a nonprofit organization serving

Broward County's seniors, age 60 or older.

The AAABC was the first Area Agency on

Aging in the State of Florida, incorporated in

1974, and is part of a State Network which

contains a total of 11 planning and service

areas (PSAs).

Links to all the services provided can be found on our Link Site in the above Menu.

Meeting Minutes 🔑

(July 25th, 2024)

The minutes for the Board Meeting that was held on June 27th are now available. Please note a login is required to access them.

Inside Hillcrest 

The current edition of Inside Hillcrest has been posted for your reading pleasure on our website.

Hillcrest Amenities Notice

(April 3. 2024)


The Hillcrest Presidents Council board is starting to see an uptick in FOB use from other people who are not the owners of the FOB. Please read the following link highlighting the outcome of the misuse of the FOB privileges.

Meeting Minutes 🔑

(Feb 20th, 2024)

The minutes for the Board Meetings that were held from December '23 to February '24 are now available. Please note a login is required to access them.

Toilet Rebate Program

(Feb 19, 2024)

Details are provided in the following link as part of the Community Information Page.

Special Assessment 🔑

(Feb 9, 2024)

Details regarding a special assessment.

Please note that a login is required to access the notice. The notice was also submitted by email and post mail.

Hollywood Police 

(Jan 10th, 2024)

For contact information take advantage of the website ( and/or (954) 764-4357 (Help)

Budget 2024 🔑

(Dec 19, 2023)

The Budget for 2024 has been posted on our website. Please note that a login is required to access the statement.

The maintenance dues for 2024 have also been posted.

Hollywood West Shuttle Service

(August 21, 2023)

1.       The new service areas have been finalized and are reflected in the attached flyers.  As Zone 3 is a 6 month pilot test, the actual service area may be adjusted based on demand and monthly pick-up/drop-off data.


2.       These areas will be serviced by one 12-person ADA-compliant electric van and one 3-person Tesla electric sedan.  Our new contract allows the City to increase the number of vehicles if we have significant demand.   


3.       The initial operating hours will be:

  •            Monday-Friday: 10:00 AM - 6:00PM

  •            Saturday-Sunday: 11:00 AM - 7:00PM

*These hours are based on public input, the pilot test, and data from Kimley Horn


4.       In partnership with the CRA we will also pilot test a fixed stop service which will take riders from designated Community Centers to designated stops within the Historic Downtown and Beach areas of the city.  This service will only operate on weekends and utilize the 12-passenger electric van assigned to Zone 1.   The first available pick-up time will be at 10 am and the last return will be 7 pm. Reservations will need to be made at least 24hrs in advance via the Circuit App.


5.       The costs of service will be $2 per rider to go anywhere within Zone 2 & 3 and an additional $2 for anywhere in Zone 1.   The circuit will also offer a promo code “Ride4Free” which will be available through their App that will provide free rides throughout the month of September in Zones 2 & 3


6.       We are contacting the various neighborhood associations and dropping off the attached flyers promoting the new service.  


More details about the Sun Shuttle Service under the new contract.

Idelma Quintana, City Commissioner
City of Hollywood

Hollywood West Shuttle Service

(April 2, 2023)

The City of Hollywood in partnership with micro-transit provider Circuit is launching a two-month trial community shuttle service from March 27th to May 31st. Click on the above link for details.

Four Options on the Table for Hollywood's Organgebrook Golf Course

(February 24, 2023)

Hollywood officials are set to select a development team for the 245-acre Orangebrook Golf & Country Club to renovate the golf course and build a commercial project.

Read the article from Brian Bandell, South Florida Business Journal

Recent Burglaries and Police Action

(February 21, 2023)

Our City Commissioner highlights some of the actions that our local police force is implementing to address recent thefts and burglaries.

2023 Board of Directors

February 9th, 2023)

The new board of directors was formed after the Annual Meeting held Feb 2nd, 2023. Board members are highlighted in the above menu.

Hurricane Preparedness 

(Sept 25, 2022)

Are you ready to weather a storm? Learn how to prepare before it's too late. The Storm Basics Bulletin prepared by Publix would be a good start. 

Also, check out the other important links listed on our website.

Please keep a watchful eye and provide any assistance to your neighbors as well.

Ensure that there are no loose items on your balcony or surrounding areas of our building that can act as projectiles that may cause harm or potential damage.

Be prepared ...

Guest Parking Violations

Infracciones de estacionamiento para invitados

Infractions de stationnement des invités


Dear Residents

A resident’s car cannot be parked overnight in our guest parking. The guest parking is for guests only. A guest pass can only be used for guests and it must follow the stated parking rules.

Residents must inform the board if their guests are parking overnight.

It is not the board's responsibility to provide residents parking fo
r their second car. All of the Hillcrest community only provides parking for one car per condo.

Any car that violates the guest parking rules from this day forward will be towed.



Estimados residentes

El automóvil de un residente no se puede estacionar durante la noche en nuestro estacionamiento para invitados. El estacionamiento para invitados es solo para invitados. Un pase de invitado solo se puede usar para invitados y debe seguir las reglas de estacionamiento establecidas.

Los residentes deben informar a la junta si sus invitados estacionan durante la noche.


No es responsabilidad de la junta proporcionar a los residentes estacionamiento para su segundo automóvil. Toda la comunidad de Hillcrest solo ofrece estacionamiento para un automóvil por condominio.


Cualquier automóvil que viole las reglas de estacionamiento para invitados a partir de este día en adelante será remolcado.




Chers résidents


La voiture d'un résident ne peut pas être garée la nuit dans notre parking réservé aux clients. Le parking réservé aux clients est réservé aux clients. Un pass invité ne peut être utilisé que pour les invités et doit respecter les règles de stationnement énoncées.


Les résidents doivent informer le conseil si leurs invités stationnent la nuit.


Ce n'est pas la responsabilité du conseil de fournir aux résidents un stationnement pour leur deuxième voiture. Toute la communauté Hillcrest ne fournit qu'un parking pour une voiture par condo.


Toute voiture qui enfreint les règles de stationnement des clients à partir de ce jour sera remorquée.

Board of Directors

House Rules Appendix B - Parking Rules

4800 Hillcrest Lane, Hollywood FL 33021

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