Hillcrest Country Club No. 15 - Condominium Association
Bulletin Board - Archives

Laundry Courtesy
(March 24, 2018)
Just some reminders …
The laundry machines are there for all Bldg#15 homeowners to use.
The rules are posted in all the laundry rooms as well as in our Condo Rules.
Any resident may use any floor laundry facilities.
These facilities are for homeowners only.
They are reasonably priced so that we can cover the cost of the machines, service, water and electricity.
Although the laundry rooms are cleaned on a regular basis, each user needs to cleanup after themselves. It’s a matter of courtesy and respect.
Old carpets, matts, and shoes should be cleaned at an outside laundromat to avoid leaving deposits in the washing machine and marking the appliances.
If you clean beach towels and clothes, make sure you shake them out at the beach, not in the laundry room or in the washer. The sand damages the machines and plugs up the drains. The floor is also harder to keep clean.
Identify who you are when doing laundry. Leave your laundry basket with your Unit No. marked on. Sometimes we forget and occupy the machines way beyond an acceptable time. It allows the next user to remind you.
Use a timer to remind you that your load is finished.
Please do not hog the machines all day long. Spread it over a few days instead of all in one day if you have multiple loads.
Courtesy and respect should be a given.
Paving and Projects
(March 23, 2018)
The Paving Lady has left the building! We can all park our cars back into their corrals.
Paul Gallo from 408 had started painting the numbering of the residents stops, and will complete parking slots 65 to 46 in the next few days. So for those in this section, please park at least 2 feet from the stops so he can complete the job.
The parallel parking spots 1 to 6, are to code at 24’ by 10’. This has allowed us to gain a parking spot.
The new parallel parking spot closest to the trash bins will become a service parking spot for deliveries, moving or temporary off-loading of equipment and materials. We will more than likely set a time limit to allow others to use as needed. My suggestion is 20 minutes with the exception of those moving into or leaving due to a recent sale of a condo.
The guest spots will still needed to be identified as such. They have been painted yellow to emphasize the guest spot locations. We will have 7 spots, the 7th on the other side of the East stairwell..
We plan to erect all new posts and signage over the next few days which will clarify all the rules we have for parking. Alain 306 and Marc 202 will do the grunt work to install the signs. Paul Gallo, will be stencilling special wording on signs designated for guest spots, curb your dog, no exit, resident only parking etc. on DOT sign blanks.
Next week we also will meet with towing companies to choose and commit to a contract for their services. Joseph 309 will be handling this for us.
It was a long time coming to improve our parking lot which will further enhance the value of our building and condos.
Beginning April, our catwalks will be repaired, railings secured and then the floors will be re-painted. The bridge gap between our West and East wings will repaired and a flexible membrane will be placed on top to further protect that section. There will also be under consideration and review the possibility to painting the entrance tiles to the same colour as the catwalks. This will cleanup the entrance, match the decor of our building and brighten the area.
Thank you all for your patience and cooperation.
Proposed New Street Names
(February 27, 2018)
The City of Hollywood has notified our community of the proposed new street names of phase 2 of the Pulte development on the former 18 hole golf course.
Opening of Clubhouse Two Invite
(February 23, 2018)
Good day ... the wait is finally over!!
Although there are a few remaining items to finish up on, we are having our grand re-dedication of Clubhouse Two on Saturday, March 3rd from 10 a.m. until around 1 p.m.
I have attached a flyer to this email. Please print it out and post and/or distribute to your residents. They will have the opportunity to tour and view the new clubhouse, meet neighbors and enjoy doughnuts, bagels and coffee.
Some of you may have already seen the clubhouse, and we have received many positive comments on the improvements.
I genuinely feel this will become the cornerstone of our community and be enjoyed for many years to come as both a place for meeting but also social functions and events bringing our residents together to build a real sense of community and meeting neighbors.
Hopefully, I would like to establish this as a monthly event so that residents can come together and form new friendships, etc.
Looking forward to seeing you and your residents at this momentous day!!
Jeff Ladner
President, Hillcrest Presidents Council
2018 Board of Directors
(February 16, 2018)
Dear Residents ... It’s now official.
Our 2018 Board of Directors will encompass 7 directors and a non-voting secretary. Our By-Laws allow this structure to exist. This format addresses the tie vote we had last week and in turn eliminates having to have a separate run off election.
"6.1 Executive Officers. The executive officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer and a Secretary (Secretary need not be a Director), all of whom shall be elected by, the Board of Directors and who may be a majority of all of the Directors.”
Although a date has not been set as yet, the next Board of Directors meeting will take place at the end of March.
Checkout the new board and their assignments.
Elections to the Board 2018
(Jan 1st, 2018)
Dear Residents
I just wanted to keep you all informed as to the election process for 2018.
We have had a total of 11 candidate applications received by the December 8th deadline! That’s a great response and we should congratulate all these candidates for wanting to throw their name in the ring and volunteer to be on the board.
Volunteers make a difference by providing their service and skills which our building and our community will benefit from. When we share our time and talents we help solve problems, strengthen our community, improve lives, connect with others and even transform our own lives.
The Candidates are:
202 Marc Roy
205 Peter Stein
306 Alain Dallaire
308 Nancy Kurosky
309 Joseph Wims
310 Andrea Tubin
406 Gene Sanquini
407 Dieter Merk
408 Paul Gallo
409 Jerry Bowen
503 Alicia Ferrer
The 2nd Notice and Ballots will be submitted by January 11th, 2018 latest. Elections will take place immediately after our Annual Meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 8th, 2018 at the newly renovated Club House #2 at 7 pm.
Please mark your calendars to reserve that date and please please please do attend. We have such few meetings in the year. These meetings help keep you informed and give you an opportunity to ask questions and be involved in the decision process.
Dieter Merk
An Update from the Presidents' Council
(Dec 18, 2017)
Dear Presidents,
Can you believe 2017 is coming to a close? We say this every year, but this year really went by fast. At least for me it did.
Just wanted to give you all an update on our community:
Pool 1:
The motor was found to have been burned up on Friday. Our pool maintenance company closed the pool as there was no circulation. This is for the safety of residents as chemicals would not be circulating in the pool. Lonnie replaced burned wiring affected by the short-circuit today. Our pool company removed the motor and is looking to have it rebuilt. I'm not sure how long that will take. But we will have the pool opened as soon as it's possible. Please remind you guests, that they can use the other three pools in our community.
Pool 1 BBQ Area:
After many many attempts to get the concrete slab poured for the BBQ area at pool 1, we finally got a company to do it and it has now been poured. It was amazing how challenging it was to get a company to do this job. But it's now done. Lonnie will install the grills as soon as he can. Obviously, we are trying to get the clubhouse done. The gazebo and tables will be installed in January. We relocated the slab from the original position. And now I'm glad it took so long to get poured as now that the lake has been dug for the new community project, we were able to position the slab in a better area for a lake view when out grilling.
Pool 4:
The pool was reopened after having been closed for almost a month after Hurricane Irma. It unfortunately took that long to receive the replacement pump. The fence was repaired. The tiki hut still has to be repaired. I've contacted the company almost weekly. They are still backed-up, but assure me they will get to it soon.
All pools:
Just a reminder, please instruct your residents that balloons are NOT permitted in the pool area. This has been an issue at Pools 3 and 4 mostly. The balloons have melted on the pool deck and are impossible to remove. They can also get into the pump system and clog them resulting in costly repairs.
The clubhouse is still being renovated. Unfortunately, with Lonnie doing the work on his own, and also addressing some other issues such as electrical, it has taken much longer than anticipated. We also ran into issues with installation of some items also a result of Hurricane Irma. The final glass was just installed last week. The granite counters should be installed next week. We also received the fob system last Friday which Lonnie will be installing that system also this week. After that it's just the final touches, such as painting, etc. We anticipate having a grand re-dedication of the clubhouse in January.
I know there are still some dead branches higher up in some of the trees as a result of Hurricane Irma. We will be getting quotes to have the trees trimmed and shaped, but that won't occur until January or February.
Additionally, I know we lost a number of trees after Irma. Especially around pool 4. However, after the new year, perhaps in April, we will be replacing those trees around the community.
I would like to thank everyone for their patience with both the clubhouse renovation, and also getting things back up and running as quickly as possible after the storm.
Also, when we have a community with pools and equipment as old as ours, things are bound to occasionally breakdown and need repair or replacement. We only close pools when it's absolutely necessary for the health and safety of our residents. And this is done when there is equipment breakdown that affects the circulation or chemical treatment of the pools. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience, but you can be assured it's been addressed ASAP and will be reopened as soon as possible.
Jeff Ladner,
President HCPC
President, Building 11
Maintenance Fees 2018
(November 9th, 2017)
The new fee schedule is effective first of the month beginning January 1st, 2018
$282 per month for One Bedroom Units
$361 per month for Two Bedroom Units
Checks are made payable to:
Hillcrest Condominium #15., Inc
Send payments to:
Hillcrest Country Club No. 15 Condominium, Inc
c/o Hacker & Romano, CPA
3300 N. 29 Avenue, Ste. 102
Hollywood, FL 33020
Maintenance Dues 2018 - Detail
(Nov 9th, 2017)
Our Budget Meeting was held on October 26th, 2018, at which time your Board adopted the proposed 2018 Budget and Reserves.
Our next major project that will further enhance our building is where we park our cars. Early next year we will undertake the re-surfacing of our parking lot, repainting of lines and car stops. After that we have only one other major project which is planned for late 2019 or early 2020, the re-furbishing the elevator cabs.
Smaller projects planned for 2018 include the painting of catwalks, which we do every two years as they get the most wear and tear; removal of the shed replacing it with a more inviting landscaped area; a means of storing our shopping carts: and a possible bike rack to give us easier access to our bikes.
The wrath of Hurricane Irma left our building with some damage. We were fortunate that this time it was minimal. Unfortunately, even though we will not be making any claims, the effect Irma had on the rest of Florida and the disasters across the country will no doubt increase our insurance premiums mid 2018. That and the costs of services for electrical, water & sewage, waste disposal and cable TV are all expected to increase. These extra costs need to be incorporated into our maintenance fees for 2018.
The maintenance dues effective Jan 1st,2018 will increased by approx. 4% to $282/month for 1 bedroom unit and $361/month for 2 bedroom unit.
The board strives to keep costs under control searching for ways to reduce costs while at the same time making our building a place to be proud of ... numerous positive comments from our neighbors and guests are indicators that we are going in the right direction.
The next board meeting will encompass the Annual Meeting and the Election for the New Board and will be held on February 8th, 2018
Board of Directors, Bldg#15
Minutes for Budget Meeting
(November 9th, 2017)
Minutes of our Budget Meeting had been posted. Login required.
Clubhouse Two Update and Irma Update
(October 12, 2017)
Dear Presidents and Council Members,
Hope you all had a pleasant summer. Except for Hurricane Irma, I hope things are going well in your buildings.
I wanted to give everyone an update on Clubhouse Two and post-Hurricane Irma.
CLUBHOUSE TWO: (remains closed)
The Clubhouse is still undergoing renovations. Unfortunately, renovations were pushed back from the initial anticipated completion date due to extensive electrical issues which had to be corrected, as well as Hurricane Irma interrupting the work on the clubhouse.
Lonnie has done an outstanding job addressing electrical issues and ensuring all the electrical work is up to code.
The new impact glass will start to be installed tomorrow (October 10th) except for the three south facing windows as those have not been received from the factory yet. Next week, the flooring will begin to be installed. Then, it will be more finishing touches to be completed.
I am trying to get the clubhouse completed by the end of this month, but please anticipate the clubhouse not being available for meetings until AFTER November 15th.
Remember, that clubhouse two is CLOSED for any meetings, etc until all the renovations are completed. No entry into Clubhouse Two is permitted due to the construction and for liability reasons.
In the meantime, you may use Clubhouse One. You must still reserve the Clubhouse One by calling the service line at 800-680-9310.
Pools 1, 2 and 3 have been open as well as the fitness center.
All BBQ areas are open
All tree debris has been removed and placed in the swells for collection by the city.
Will be meeting with our landscaping regarding removing broken limbs higher in tree canopies as well as reshaping trees as necessary.
Pool 4 suffered the most damage and remains closed:
Had roof inspected for pool building
Awaiting review of tiki hut by company for repair
Contract signed for fence repair.
Pool motor covered under warranty, but back-ordered. Will be replaced once motor is received from factory. Uncertain when motor will be received.
Lonnie installed new shut-off breaker for pool pump/motor.
Also, the permit is in process for the BBQ slab at Pool 1 and the slab will be installed as soon as permit is issued.
I realize that November is usually the month for budget meetings. We apologize for any inconvenience, but until otherwise notified, please notice your meeting location as Clubhouse One until clubhouse two renovations are completed. NO meetings will be permitted in Clubhouse Two until renovations are compete. Again this is due to this being a construction area and for liability reasons.
The address for Clubhouse One is: 920 Hillcrest Court
Thank you,
Jeff Ladner,
President Building 11
President Hillcrest Presidents Council
Update from Presidents Council
(Oct 6th, 2017)
We were under a boil water advisory but that has since been lifted.
All pools are open except for Pool 4. Unfortunately that pool had the most damage from the hurricane.
A section of the fence was damaged by falling tree branches. The pump motor was also damaged. The pump will be covered under warranty but unfortunately is backordered. So there is that associated delay with repairs. Therefore the pool is closed as there is no filtration or circulation of the pool.
Clubhouse Two is so undergoing renovations and it's currently closed. Clubhouse One should be used for any meetings.
Jeff Ladner
Boil Water Order Advisory
(Sept 29, 2017)
This is an important message from the City of Hollywood.
A large water main break occurred this morning on Johnson Street near 19 Avenue. Subsequently, the City’s Water Treatment Plant experienced a significant drop in pressure. As a result of this drop in pressure, the City is advising all city of Hollywood water customers to boil their water for drinking purposes until further notice.
Residents should not consume the water without boiling it first. Bring all water to a boil and let it continue boiling for one minute. Only boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes, and food preparation. Again, a boil water order is in effect for all water customers of the City of Hollywood.
Department of Public Utilities crews are on scene working to isolate the damaged line and begin the repairs. The City will advise when the order has been lifted.
Pest Control & Fire Safety Inspection
Are scheduled for September 18, 2017
Mandatory Boil Water order has been lifted - September 14, 2017
Mandatory Boil Water Alert Issued
Mandatory Boil Water Alert Issued City-wide
The City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities has announced a mandatory boil water alert of all residents in the City of Hollywood effective 2:15 p.m. on Sunday, September 10th.
The City’s Water Treatment Plant experienced a significant drop in pressure during the storm. As a result of this drop in pressure, the City is advising all property owners to boil their water for drinking purposes until further notice. Three water main breaks have now been identified and crews are working to repair these water lines.
Residents should not use drink their tap water without boiling it first, as boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water. Bring all water to a rolling boil for one minute. Only boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, hand-washing dishes, and food preparation. Again, a boil water order is in effect for all residents in the City of Hollywood.
As of Monday, utilities crews have isolated the damaged lines and are beginning to work on repairs. The breaks are located at: 1) 7500 block of McKinley Street, 2) 71st Terrace and Arthur Street and 3) 31st Road and Roosevelt Street. Water service in the immediate area of these breaks could be disrupted during the course of the repairs. Once the repairs are completed, the water must be sampled and tested. This will take at least 48 hours Once the tests come back as clear, the City will post notification on the website, send out an email notification and issue a Code Red Emergency update.
September 10, 2017 2:43 PM
Hurricane and Emergencies -
Important Links to Websites
Plan Ahead for Disasters - Hurricanes and Other Disasters
Florida Division of Emergency Management
Filing and Settling Insurance Claims After A Disaster
Note that there are more links available in the above menu.
Hurricane Concerns
(Sept 5, 2017)
WHAT TO EXPECT: For those of you who have not gone through a hurricane, our buildings are exceptionally strong. After Wilma, it was mainly fallen trees and bad roofs. All of Hillcrest got new roofs after Wilma except those who already had replaced theirs. Bldgs 22 and 26 have a roof coating and had no problems with Wilma but should be sure they have been maintaining their roof since then. We had a small tornado go through and pop about 25 windshields which are covered under your auto insurance. If you have an old-fashioned land line and phone, plug it in because the wireless ones won’t work. You can charge your cell phone in your car OR take turns with the lobby outlets.
INSURANCE: Building #15 is insured for nearly all scenarios. Check it out by logging in for more details. Attached is a copy of the Preferred Vendor list with the most aggressive insurance adjustors who really did a great job after Wilma. Also, Steve Rowe, of MR Restoration is on the list should you have any problems with flood damage, etc. If you do not have homeowners’ insurance, you may find out why you SHOULD have it. The requirement is in the by-laws for a reason.
UNIT OWNERS: It can get scary with the high winds, especially if you have windows that rattle. If you know a handyman you can have your windows caulked shut in the bedroom at least so they don’t drive you crazy. If you have hurricane shutters, do close them. All the high rises have generators so you will have a working elevator, lights in the hallways and power in the lobby. Most boards do a weekly generator check. If we lose power and the generator kicks in, it may need to be shut down after 3days for about 4 hours to cool down enough to refuel or replace the oil. Most Hillcrest buildings are on the same grid as the hospital so usually we only lose power for 3 days but check with your board what happened in your building after Wilma.
BE KIND. Be sure to check on your neighbors. Residents tend to really come together during hurricanes and help each other out. Do not hesitate to ask for help. Most buildings have floor captains to check on everyone. If your building does not, volunteer.
PULTE CONSTRUCTION SITE: Many of you expressed concern about the construction debris. My partner, Brian Gaiefsky took pix of the areas of concern and sent them to Andrew Maxey who assures us that there is a plan in place to secure the construction site starting on Thursday depending on the forecast – including the roofing materials.
Excerpt from Hillcrest Leadership Council
Fire & Security Inspection
(Aug 29, 2017)
Please note that on the morning of September 8th there will be our annual Testing and Certification of the Fire Alarm System.
Notices will be posted 48 hours prior to the inspection.
Parkview Master Map
(July 18, 2017)
PDF file of our developer's master map.
Pictures of the Developer's Progress
(July 1, 2017)
Although taken over the last few months, I have added some pictures of what's happening with our former golf course. The pictures are arranged chronologically from the newest to the oldest. Enjoy the transformation ...
Tennant T2 Floor Cleaner
(July 1, 2017)
It's amazing how clean our catwalks are now with the newly acquired Tennant T2 Floor Scrubber. It has made a dramatic difference. The catwalks can be cleaned in one day without the mess we had to endure before. The cordless T2 Floor Scrubber has two water reservoirs, one with clean soapy water used in the scrubbing and another to collect the dirty water under suction with a squeegee. The floor dries almost immediately thus minimizing any latent foot traffic.
Check out the pictures of the T2 in action.
Regarding Hillcrest Community
Meeting Room Two & BBQ Area
(June 20, 2017)
Dear Residents
Meeting Room 2:
… As discussed in an earlier Council meeting, we will soon begin the renovation of Clubhouse Two to make it a much nicer center piece of our community for meeting and social functions.
In order to have use of the facility for as long as possible, we will install plastic sheeting to divide the space. The demolition and construction of the back (kitchen) area will occur first. If you have any meetings scheduled you can continue to use the front area.
I have received two quotes for the glass and will hold a meeting shortly to have that approved so we can have the glass installed.
Once we move into the main area of the building, the building will no longer be available for meetings, etc. Clubhouse One should be used for any meetings going forward so we can transition to the temporary use of Clubhouse One.
Please notify your residents that Clubhouse Two will no longer be available for social functions, and they would instead need to reserve Clubhouse One.
Thank you and please pardon this inconvenience. But once this project is done, we will have a beautiful new clubhouse which will be the jewel in our community.
Regarding BBQ Areas:
… Parties are NO longer permitted in the BBQ areas. Due to abuse of these areas and with some residents having large parties which included a large number of guests from outside our community using our facilities, the Hillcrest Presidents Council has restricted the use of the BBQ areas to only five invited non-resident guests.
We have had instances were residents could not plan their own event using the BBQ facilities due to these large parties.
Jeff Ladner, Chair of the Hillcrest Presidents Council
The Law Firm that acts for Bldg#15 has recently won a prestigious Award.
Congratulations to EISINGER, BROWN, LEWIS, FRANKEL & CHAIET, P.A. They have been recently honored with the Florida Community Association Journals 2017 Readers Choice Award, winning a prestigious Diamond Level for Legal Services. The FLCAJ Readers Choice Awards is a unique recognition program that shines a spotlight on the positive and productive contributions by community association service providers across Florida. They are presented to service providers that demonstrate through their commitment to the community associations they serve an exemplary level of proficiency, reliability, fairness, and integrity. This is the third consecutive year the firm has been recognized with the esteemed distinction for excellence.!
Pulte Homes
On May 6th, Pulte Homes will have models available for viewing. Check it out ...
New Beach Parking Rates
Go Into Effect May 1st, 2017
Register Now to Get the Resident Rate
To keep beach parking affordable for Hollywood residents, the City is offering a resident parking rate. Residents must register their vehicle(s) annually with the Parking Division to enjoy an hourly parking rate of $1.50 per hour Monday through Thursday and $2.00 per hour Friday through Sunday and on holidays. This rate is 50% less than the new non-resident rate of $3.00 per hour Monday through Thursday and $4.00 per hour Friday through Sunday and on holidays. The new non-resident parking rates will go into effect May 1, 2017.
Once registered, you will be given a “resident rate code” for use at City-operated multi-space master meter parking spots. Registration is free and can be done in-person or online.
The following documents are required to register:
Driver’s license
Vehicle registration
One of the following: lease agreement, utility bill, voter ID card or tax bill with current Hollywood address
To Register online: Upload scanned images or photos of the required documents to the Parking Portal and select “Get Permits.”
To Register in-person: Bring copies of the required documents to the Parking office located at 2600 Hollywood Boulevard in the City Hall West Annex Building.
Using the Parkmobile Application
Once you have your resident rate code, you will need to register your vehicle with Parkmobile to receive the resident parking rate. You can sign upfor Parkmobile by visiting
http://us.parkmobile.com/ or by calling the toll-free number 877.727.5714. You must register with the City of Hollywood in order to receive the resident rate through Parkmobile.
If you are already a Parkmobile user, you still will need to register your vehicle(s) with the City to automatically receive the City of Hollywood resident rate when you use the Parkmobile App.
Be sure to use the same phone number when you register.
Additional Information
Please allow up to 24 hours/next business day for resident rate processing and up to 20 days for Parkmobile processing.
At single-space parking meters, the resident rate can only be applied when using the Parkmobile Application.
Resident rate code is not valid in private garages, lots or meters
Don’t wait to get your resident rate code! Log on today or stop by the Parking Office.
Parking Notice
Dear Residents
Parking is a privilege … not a right at Hillcrest. If it is abused then there are consequences.
Please ensure you review and understand our Building’s Parking Rules.
For those residents that have a second car and are using a guest parking spot during the day we request to minimize that privilege and not to make it a common practice. We have limited guest parking as you are aware, and guests visiting our building end up with a parking dilemma that risk them being towed if not properly parked.
For residents entertaining visitors, try to encourage that your guests arrive in as few cars as possible due to our limited guest spots.
Some snowbirds have offered their spot while they are away. In this case, if you are using their spot, the “guest parking tag” must be used and should be displayed at all times.
Overnight parking of guests using the guest spots must also display the “guest parking tag".
Repeat offenders not abiding by the rules will be towed without warning and the resident themselves may be fined and lose any future parking privileges. Parking notices are posted throughout the building. Parking policies have been communicated repeatedly at meetings, on the website, post mail and emails. Not being aware of the rules is no excuse.
Let’s all work together to ensure parking peace and avoid any necessary enforcement.
Best Regards
Board of Directors
April 29th, 2017
Roof Repair has been completed ...
(April 19, 2017)
Dear Resident
Your car may be parked back into its appropriate spot. Thank you for your cooperation during the roof repair.
We are at the last stage of the roof project. All that is required now is to have the roof inspected and to pass the building permit requirements.
Cool Roof Foam and Coatings have done an excellent job. They gave our property their utmost respect as they conducted their business and kept the area safe and clean every day that they were on the job. We were fortunate enough to have found a great contractor for this major repair to our building.
Please ensure that no more parking takes place on the swales. The city will begin ticketing and towing again by the end of the week.
Pulte Homes
On May 6th, Pulte Homes will have models available for viewing. Check it out ...
Roof Resurfacing
(March 29, 2017)
Dear Residents
We need your cooperation.
We are in the process of having a new roof system applied on our building. Today Cool Roof is setting up the staging area to begin the project.
For this week, Tuesday to Friday, those of you that park in spots 1 to 3 and 16 to 26 will need to remove your car during the day.
The first stage requires the removal of pea stones from the roof. These stones will be dumped into chutes that will fill a large bulk container in parking spots 1 to 3. Therefore, residents parked from 1 to 3 will require to park in the guest spots overnight.
Beginning Monday, April 3rd, the roof will be washed and the application of the insulating foam will be performed. This will happen over for a few days. Then the silicone coating will be applied, up to an additional 3 days. The foam and silicone spray can land on your cars and be difficult to remove.
So, depending on the wind, park accordingly away from the building.
Weather permitting, Cool Roof will require up to 12 working days. On the week-end you can return to your parking spots except for those spots where Cool Roof equipment may be.
I am requesting permission from the city allow us to park on the swale along Hillcrest Lane overnight, as we did when we painted the building. With permission, we then do not have to constantly move our cars every day to avoid getting a ticket or being towed.
Leave a note on the windshield of your car when parking on the swale.
New Beach Parking Rates!
(March 26, 2017)
They go into effect May 1st, 2017 so register now to get the resident rate. Read details in our online Bulletin Board
New Member on the Board
(March 25, 2017)
After many years of service on the board, Phil Lesser has retired. In his place, Joseph Wims (309) has agreed to join the board and will take on the responsibility for Parking Maintenance & Security.
The Board extends its best wishes and thanks to Phil and welcomes Joseph to the 2017 Board of Directors.
Management Company Consideration
(March 20, 2017)
Following up on our March 2nd, 2017 meeting, please note that a Management Company is only under consideration at this point. No commitment has been made by the board and if that is a direction we will take, it won’t happen until year-end or until 2018 either at our Budget Meeting or our Annual Meeting the following year before we go ahead.
As residents ourselves, some services highlighted would place the board members in harm's way if we continue to handle them ourselves. Retaliation, loss of respect, and even friendship are unfortunate results.
The board also needs to ensure the impartial status necessary to abide by Florida statutes. That’s why during elections we have resident volunteers get involved to deal with candidate submissions and ballots.
There should also be a system in place so the board is not always the first contact by the resident homeowner. It should be our website and, if that fails, a management company that fields the concerns and/or reports to our board for action.
The following were listed as services the board considers best managed outside of the boards' direct responsibility or where we do not have the necessary expertise:
Elections to allow impartiality
Screening of new homeowners
By-Law and House/Condo Rule enforcement
Government including local, county and state authority, fire and police code enforcement, building and zoning compliance
Residents’ first point of contact
Vendor recommendations when requested for those that we do not have an appropriate source for
Some of the items could continue to be handled by the board, or as was done in the past, or through additional help from Hacker & Romano (accounting) and Eisinger & Brown (legal).
Board of Directors 2017
Turbine Vents (2017-03-09)
Seven turbine wind propelled vents were installed on our roof replacing inoperable electric vents that ceased to function approx. 2007.
These vents will provide a positive exhaust for the second washrooms of the two bed room units and should minimize odours and humidity for these washrooms.
Board Meeting (2017-02-25)
There will be a Board Meeting on March 2nd, Club House #2 at 7pm. Under discussion will be the concept of enlisting a Management Company to handle everyday issues not related to the building maintenance, finances & insurance and legal support. Updates on roof resurfacing, catwalk painting, elevator door equipment updating plus other items to be discussed.
Guest Parking Tags Distribution
Between the hours of 9am to 11am on Saturdays Feb 25th and March 4th, there will be distribution of Guest Parking Tags for your unit. Please pick up yours during this time.
Laundry Section
A laundry section has been added to the welcome menu with tips and industrial laundry mat location.
Tagging of Trees
Dear Residents
Some of you have questioned the meaning of the ribbons tide to the trees behind our building. The response from the developer is that the ribbons signify that the tree is either being preserved or relocated. If a tree does not have a ribbon, then it has been selected for removal.
Note that our website, has a special section on “Development Plans”, related to the plans and what’s happening.
New Years Resolution
An excerpt from January's edition of Inside Hillcrest is worth a read by any condo owner.
Tree Trimming
Last week we had Rock & Rose Lawn Care trim the black olive trees and clean up our palm trees along Hillcrest Lane. The crew that did the job reduced all the trees by 25%. Although we did minor trimming in the past, this is the first time we did such an extensive trimming. The job took three days and through Jerry Bowen's connections was complete for nearly ½ the cost.
The Board thanks everyone for moving their cars during the process.
Elections 2017
Regarding our elections for 2017. There have been seven candidate submissions received on the due date of Dec 6th, 2016. These candidates happen to be the same individuals as on the current 2016 board.
The Candidates are:
406 Eugene Sanquini
407 Dieter Merk
205 Peter Stein
310 Andrea Tubin
409 Jerry Bowen
414 Phillip Lesser
503/4 Alicia Ferrer
As such, the Board of Directors for 2017 will remain unchanged and no election will be required.
I would like to acknowledge two individuals that offered to volunteer their time to help out when needed but had refrained from submitting a candidate form. They are:
202 Marc Roy
308 Nancy Kurosky
Please join me in welcoming and thanking the board of directors for their commitment and service to our building.
Our Annual Meeting will be held on February 7th, 2017 in Meeting Room #2 at 7 pm. An agenda will be posted by the end of month.
All homeowners of Building #15 are welcome.
Dieter Merk
Board of Directors