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Hillcrest Condominium Association # 15

An Adult Community




These guidelines have been compiled and approved by your Board of Directors for the convenience of the owners, guests and independent contractors (See Appendix A).  It is the responsibility of each owner to become thoroughly familiar with all of these rules and regulations.  Strict observance will create and maintain an atmosphere of dignity and harmony, and avoid embarrassment for your self.  These rules shall apply to and be binding upon all the residents of the building whether owners or not.




  1. Each owner is expected to maintain their unit in an appropriate state of preservation and cleanliness.

  2. Individual radio and TV aerials or antennae are not permitted on the exterior walls or the roof of the building.

  3. Attachments to the exterior walls and windows of the building are not permitted.

  4. Remodeling or structural changes to the interior of a unit that involves changes to electrical wiring or plumbing requires the written approval of Board of Directors before any work begins.  (See Appendix A) Failure to secure approval will expose unit owner to liability should damage(s) to building structure or neighboring unit(s) occur.

  5. Due to open-window living and the fact that walls are not soundproofed, noise management and consideration for neighbors is expected.

  6. Service personnel and other persons requiring entry to a unit, must be admitted by the owner or a person designated by the owner.

  7. Each owner is required to leave a duplicate key to their unit in the Association’s office (see Board President) as required by State law for protection and preservation of the premises.  This key may only be used for emergency access to a unit and must not leave the possession of a Board member when in use.

  8. If a unit owner of the 2nd through 5th floor wants to install floor covering other than carpet (i.e., tile, parquet, etc.), they must also install insulation approved by Board of Directors.

  9. Grilling or cooking of any kind is not permitted on balconies, terraces, walkways or lawn areas.

  10. Except when in transit to or from a unit or storage, bicycles, shopping carts, perambulators or similar vehicles are not permitted in elevators, on upper floors of the building, catwalks, stairwells, in storage room laundry rooms or pool area.

  11. Signs, notices, flyers, ads, etc., may not be posted without approval of the Board.

  12. Interfering with plants, shrubs, grass or trees growing on the premises in common areas is prohibited.

  13. Pets are not allowed to reside on or roam the premises untethered at any time.

  14. Owners are not to sweep or throw, or permit their guest(s) to sweep or throw, from unit or patio, any dirt, dust, cigarettes, cigars, ashes, water, paper or other substances.

  15. Cost to repair damage to the elevators, stairways or other parts of the building caused by moving objects (i.e., furniture, appliances, equipment, etc.) to or from a unit shall be paid by the owner of the property being moved.

  16. The sidewalks, entrances, driveways, passages, patios, foyers, courts, elevators, vestibules, stairways, corridors and halls must not be obstructed, in any manner, by residents, or used for any purpose other than ingress or egress to and from the premises.

  17. Parking area, regulations and enforcement of rules, are handled by the Board of Directors. (See Appendix B)

  18. Surveillance cameras are installed for the protection of our residents and to discourage vandalism and trespassing.




  1. The Board of Directors must be notified, in writing, of any anticipated visit of parents or children of the owner, in the absence of the owner, seven (7) days prior to the visit.

  2. The owner is responsible for the behavior of their guest(s) and for assuring their guest(s) are familiar with condo rules and other regulations.

  3. Residential units cannot be used for commercial transactions or conducting business enterprises.  Person-to-person soliciting is prohibited.

  4. Employees of resident owners are not permitted to have overnight guests in the unit of their employer at any time.  Daytime employees are not eligible to use any of the facilities of the Corporation.

  5. An owner planning a lengthy absence (3 weeks or more) from their unit should notify the Board of Directors in writing.

  6. Monthly maintenance is due the 1st of each month (See Appendix C)

  7. No condominium unit or portion of may be rented or leased (Declaration of Condominium 16.15)




  1. Do not ride in the elevator while wearing dripping swimwear.

  2. Your neighbors are entitled to a peaceful environment.  Please avoid loud noise from TV, radio and computer in your unit, and monitor the volume of conversations in common spaces, such as walkways and parking area, especially after 11pm.

  3. Proper attire should be worn in and around the building.  This is not a clothing optional community.

  4. It is the obligation of each owner to provide access to their unit on the second Monday of each month to allow a licensed, professional exterminator, employed by the building, to spray or place vermin eradication bait.  If the owner is unable to facilitate entry to their unit, arrangements should be made to provide a caretaker, or in an emergency, authorize the Board to use the key(s) provided for this purpose, as per Florida law.

  5. All assessment payments shall be subject to a $25.00 late fee if assessment is not paid within ten (10) days of the monthly due date. (See Appendix C)




  1. Coin washing machines and dryers are provided for proper use by residents, and are to be used in strict accordance with the guidelines posted in each laundry room.

  2. Do not overload machines.  Do not wash or dry old mats or footwear in machines.  Please wipe interior of machines and clean lint filter after you use machines.

  3. Use a timer to remind yourself to move your laundry from the machines, making them available for other residents in a timely fashion.

  4. Identify your laundry basket with your Condo Unit Number

  5. Laundry machines on all the floors are available to all residents.

  6. No drying or airing of clothes on walkway railings or any common areas.

  7. Laundry hours are between 7am and 10 pm. Use of facilities shall not be used outside of the times stated.




  1. Do not place boxes, cartons, or old rugs into garbage chutes

  2. Be responsible, clean up your accidental spills.

  3. Only place garbage secured in plastic bags in trash chutes.

  4. Do not place glass items like liquor, beer and wine bottles down the chute. Place recyclable items into the appropriate recycling containers provided.

  5. Break down cardboard boxes to minimize space used.

  6. Commercial waste (old carpeting, tiles, refrigerators) are to be removed from premises by contractor.

  7. Construction waste must be removed by the owner when major renovation takes place. Small amounts are acceptable as long the bins have enough room for normal residential household waste.

  8. Large items like beds and sofas are to be disposed of by the owner at the municipal waste locations. If replaced with new furniture, arrange to have the old items removed by the store you bought them from.

  9. Electronic waste - TV's, Computers, Monitors, Keyboards, Printers, Audio Equipment, DVD's, VCR's etc., must be droped off at the Broward County drop-off site at West Park—5601 W. Hallandale Beach Blvd.

  10. Abide by the recycling rules posted.



Appendix A




We congratulate and encourage all homeowners who can afford to invest in remodeling and enhancing their home, as long as all construction work is performed in accordance with condominium rules and permits.


To make sure we’re all on the same page and aware of important rules that contractors should adhere to in order to minimize inconvenience and irritation to your neighbors, and help you avoid additional financial liability, we provide this convenient listing:


  1. Contractors are permitted to perform construction services Monday through Saturday only. Work that creates invasive noise must commence after 9am and conclude by 5pm.Construction debris MUST FIT INSIDE green dumpster or contractor must take it off our property. Contact a Board member to unlock dumpster room.

  2. Inform your contractors that they are responsible for the proper disposal of bulk materials and debris off-site — DO NOT LEAVE DEBRIS that cannot be bagged and deposited into the green dumpster without consuming the entire dumpster.  Items that cannot be put in dumpster, include: closet doors, kitchen cabinets, carpet, mirrored/glass wall panels, sinks and toilet bowls. Homeowner or contractor must clean up all mess made in common areas each day they make a mess.

  3. Disposal of paint, solvents and chemicals in the dumpsters are forbidden!

  4. All boxes are to be broken down and flattened to minimize space utilized.

  5. The same rule applies to Do-It-Yourself projects.

  6. Contractors are not permitted to use the elevator for transporting work materials.

  7. The homeowner and contractor will be held financially liable for prompt repair of any damage to building in the course of performing construction, preparation, and completion of work.  Homeowner and contractor are also responsible for thorough clean-up of any residue left in parking courtyard, foyer, stairwells, walkways and on doors and walls.

  8. Electrical and plumbing work must be performed by licensed contractors only.  Homeowners are not permitted to perform Do-It-Yourself electrical or plumbing projects.

  9. If plumbing work requires building water to be shut off, residents need to be informed a minimum of 48 hours in advance. In such cases, the homeowner must inform the board with appropriate date and time.

  10. Building water shut off can only be performed by a Board Director!

  11. When a contractor damages common areas the homeowner will receive notice of financial responsibility and can be fined, if warnings are ignored, until the repair is satisfactorily completed.


These rules and obligations should be taken very seriously.  Homeowners Association Board Members are empowered to document all breaches of condo rules and execute enforcement within legal guidelines.



Appendix B





  • Residents must park in their assigned space only.

  • Parking decal must be affixed on lower corner of driver’s side rear window.

  • All vehicles must be in operating order.

  • A resident’s second car does not qualify as a guest car.



  • Overnight guests must display guest pass from their car’s rear view mirror.

  • Guests cannot park at Hillcrest 15 unless they are personally present and visiting or staying with a resident overnight.

  • Residents are responsible for providing their guest with a parking permit tag. 

  • Your guest is allowed to park in your assigned parking space if your car is not on the premises, otherwise the guest must park in designated guest parking space only.

  • Guest should not leave unattended vehicle at entrance

  • Guests staying more than 5 days must obtain a temporary parking permit to be displayed in vehicle at all times while parked at Hillcrest Building #15. Guest cars are limited to a total of 30 days from May 1st to November 1st and 30 days from November 1st to May 1st. Days will accumulate and are not to exceed above stated dates. Cars will be checked and TOWED without notice to the guest.

  • Temporary parking permit is available at or from a board director.

  • Residents are responsible for ensuring that their guests park in designated guest space and abide by parking rules while parked at Hillcrest Building #15.


GENERAL RULES (Residents and Guests)

  • No parking permitted in any area of parking courtyard that is not designated for parking, this includes: fire lanes, grassy areas or in front of main entrance.

  • No parking on Hillcrest Lane is permitted.

  • No parking in area that blocks trash dumpster area.

  • Head-in parking only. No double-parking permitted.

  • All vehicles must display proper parking permit at all times.

  • Service/Emergency space is for use by service and emergency vehicles.

  • Guests may use front entrance space ONLY if vehicle is attended to at all times and for pick-ups.

  • The HOA Board does not have information regarding the reason your vehicle was towed or received a warning.

  • Remove all valuables from your vehicle. The Home Owners Association is NOT responsible for damage or any form of theft.


Any infraction of a parking rule or regulation by a resident will result in notice of violation and/or immediate towing without notice at the vehicle owner’s expense.





Appendix C




Being an owner in a condominium building means you are a cooperative owner, along with the other residents in the building. 


Your monthly maintenance payments pay bills for the building: electric, water/sewer, waste collection, cable TV, elevator service, landscaping and janitorial, to name a few.


In addition, annual bills such as, certification and inspection of fire alarms and extinguishers, the elevator, as well as building insurance are covered through our maintenance payments.


Each year these costs are presented and approved during an annual budget meeting and incorporated into your monthly maintenance payment based on your percentage of common ownership. 


When an owner of our building does not pay, or fails to pay their monthly maintenance in a timely manner this causes an unfair situation to the remaining residents of our building.


The Board of Directors has implemented a process to encourage prompt payment of a unit owner’s budgetary responsibility:


Effective October 1st, 2015 the following process will be implemented:


  • Monthly maintenance is due the 1st of each month.

  • If payment is not posted to your account by the 10th of the month, a $25 late fee will be assessed (please note that any payments received will be applied to any outstanding balance first.  If a balance remains, this will then be subject to an additional $25 late fee).

  • If payment in full (including any applicable late fees or fines) is not posted to your account by the 15th of the month, the resident’s account will automatically be transferred to attorneys for collection action possibly resulting in additional fees.

  • If unit account is transferred for collection activity, The Hillcrest Presidents Council will be notified and residents of unit will lose access to amenities (pool, fitness center, parks), which will not be reinstated until full payment of outstanding fees.

  • Any special assessments will have the same process applied. Special assessments are due by the due date established by the Board (without exception).  Additionally, if the special assessment is not paid in a timely manner, once account is transferred to Association attorney, a lien will be placed on unit.

  • Request for financial hardship must be submitted in writing to the Board by the owner, in order to qualify for hardship, the account must be current and not have been late within the prior 12 months.  Only one hardship request will be considered within any 12-month period.





Revised Condo Rules Effective March 15th, 2016

Board of Directors

Important rules

regarding living at 4800 Hillcrest Lane



  1. During the Board Election process, each unit is entitled to one vote, regardless of the number of owners on title

  2. No dogs or other 4 legged animals

  3. Units cannot be used for business/commercial purposes.  Residential use only

  4. Unit owner agrees to furnish key to maintenance supervisor for emergency access (Fla. Law) and for monthly exterminator

  5. Florida Law states that each unit owner is responsible for insurance “from the walls in” etc.  Association insurance covers common walls, building, etc.  Owners are responsible for unit “contents” plus you are responsible for damage caused to other units.  If your shower leaks to the apartment below, as the owner, you are responsible for your neighbor’s damage.

  6. One bedroom:  no more than 3 adult permanent residents

  7. Two Bedroom:  No more than 5 adult permanent residents

  8. No renting or leasing of your unit

  9. Maintenance Fee is paid monthly.

  10. There are no land leases, or dues to any other association

  11. No clotheslines, etc. on condo property.  No rug dusting from windows or terraces.  No cooking, hibachis, etc. on patios, balconies, etc.

  12. Please be considerate of your neighbors in terms of noise of guests, TV, Sound systems, etc.

  13. The condition of your unit affects all units.  Please maintain your home.

  14. No children under 18 yrs are permitted to live in a unit as permanent residents.

  15. Declaration of Condominium No 9.1 indicates that any and all repairs, major remodeling or construction in your unit must be approved by the Board of Directors before intended work is started.   This is particular true of electrical and plumbing work, which require Certificate from City of Hollywood

  16. We acknowledge that the Hillcrest Country Club Condominium # 15 is a 55 and over community and abides by all State and Federal guidelines regarding our community.  The Association informed us that at least one owner of the unit we are applying to purchase must be at least 55 years of age.  Federal and State Guidelines mandate that the Association must make available 20% of the units to buyers/owners under 55.   Hillcrest Country Club Condominium # 15 complies with this guideline


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